Video Tutorials

This is an overview of the ISB Cancer Gateway (ISB-CGC) in the Cloud covering the use of the web app, BigQuery, and using the API.
How to Sign Up with a Google Account
This video will show you the steps necessary to sign up and link your google cloud project (GCP) to an ISB-CGC account. This enables you export to BigQuery tables and read and write to cloud buckets, including many other features.
How to Build a Cohort
In this video, we use the cohort builder to generate lists of cases (patients) based on various clinical and molecular features. Cohorts are saved and accessible as a list in the user's 'Saved Cohorts' panel (found in the Dashboard) and is the first step in any downstream analysis.
How to Make a Gene List
As a next step after building cohorts, we generate lists of clinical and molecular variables. These variables are connected to cohorts in the Workbooks, when analysis and plots are generated.